I seriously have no clue of what to write about today. I was thinking of blogging earlier, but I can't find anything to talk about. It's like I'm having a mind block. I've a lot of things on my mind lately, and honesty, wouldn't mind some alone time. Even better, if I could pamper myself all day long. And eat all the ice cream I want and not think of any of the consequences. Anyhoos, I've also been stuck playing Scramble and Smurfs. Lol.
Also, I found this great link to download books from, and been downloading a lot since. I'm afraid there won't be anything left for me to read soon. Serious! -_-"
Anyway, promise to update next time.
Bye for now.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
i heart fruits!
Here's something that I came across on this wonderful app on iPad. Its called i heart fruits and it shares with you all the nutrients contained in various fruits, as well as natural cures for all diseases. Now i'm not saying that it will definitely work, but prevention is better than cure. Right?
Here's some that I found out. To all the ladies, we all want the secret to anti-aging, right? Well if you consume these fruits regularly, you might get that skin, smooth as a baby's bottom!
These type of berry, even when eaten frozen, powdered, fresh, juiced, contains more antioxidants than almost any other fruit. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, B-Complex, Vitamin E, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium. It also contains the CRUCIAL cholesterol lowering phytonutrient beta-sitosterol.
Meanwhile black berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, ellagic acid and anthocyanins. Vitamin C could aid wound healing, as well as protect out bodies from immune system deficiencies, and reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Ellagic acid protects the skin from UV damage and help repair the skin that has already damaged from sun exposure. Anthocyanins are shown to reduce inflammation in the body and help fight against free radical damage that leads to cancer and heart disease.
Moving on to the next berry. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Riboflavin and Manganese. It may help prevent damage caused by cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.
These beautiful babies are my favorite. Or at least when its juiced. It contains Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber, Manganese as well as Vitamin K. Its extremely high and diverse antioxidant content make them key to fending off various types of cancer such as breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and prostate cancer. They also provide immune support, break up kidney stones, reduce inflammation in injured tissues and protect the digestive track from infection.
These I have yet to try. Its full of antioxidants, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, Lutein, Lycopene, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin E and Niacin. It has been long hailed for its various health and medicinal properties. It contains more than 34 times the antioxidant power of orange juice. It also contains the essential amino acids and tract minerals that are vital to muscle growth, as well as healthy fats, fiber and phytosterols - all of which promote digestive and cardiovascular health.
Contains antioxidants, phytonutrients and Vitamin C. With its number of health-supportive phytonutrients, it is not surprising that grapes have been shown to provide many of our bodily systems with benefits, including the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, immune system, inflammatory system, blood sugar regulating system and nervous system. Another benefit is cancer prevention, with risk of breast, prostate and colon cancer emerging as the most likely areas of grape anti-cancer benefits.
Lastly, peaches. It contains Potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Fiber and Calcium. It also has a high number of nutrients your body needs, such as niacin and thiamine. They are also high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts into Vitamin A, which is essential for healthy hearts and eyes. The antioxidants may also help in maintaining healthy urinary and digestive functions.
There, that's all of it. Remember, the key is antioxidants. =))
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Speed bumps!
Tonight I feel like talking about success and failures. I hope that by writing about it, I can not only help myself, but motivate you as well. I'm not too ecstatic about life today. But its okay, its called a speed bump, I believe with determination and perseverance, someday I will earn my fair share of success. Here's a picture I got of google.
Endure a little bit longer and don't ever give up |
JANGAN PUTUS ASA!!! Gagal itu Kejayaan yang Tertunda
"Janganlah putus asa di dalam meraih rahmat Allah" - Surah Yusuf, Ayat 87
Rahmat Allah begitu luas dan banyak. Kegagalan hanyalah untuk membuat kita lebih bijaksana dalam menghadapi pelbagai kemungkinan dalam hidup. Manusia tanpa kegagalan tidak akan dapat menjadi dewasa, manja dan cepat berpatah arang apabila menghadapi sedikit kesulitan. Kegagalan dapat menyedarkan manusia, bahawa di dunia ini tidak semua yang terjadi, sesuai dengan kehendak kita. Banyak yang terjadi di luar dugaa dan tidak disangka-sangka. Kekuatan manusia tidak akan muncil apabila tidak di gali dengan sebuah kegagalan.
"Kegagalan adalah batu asahan kehidupan, setiap puncak kerjaya di capai dengan jalan mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan. Orang-orang yang berhasil adalah mereka yang bercita-cita dan mempunyai daya kemahuan untuk mengembangkan diri sendiri. Mereka itu tidak banyak jumlahnya dan selamanya begitu. Kegagalan adalah hal yang biasa, kejayaan adalah luar biasa"
- DJ. Schwartz
Taken from: 99 Quantum Working: Sebuah Ledakan Energi Dari Menata Etos Kerja, Ichsanuddin K.
Sesungguhnya setelah Kesulitan ada Kemudahan.
Know that there's always that beautiful rainbow and sunshine after the rain. And I'll be waiting for that sunshine to shine on me.
ALLAH perintahkan malaikat menurunkan ujian ke atas hambaNYA kerana ALLAH rindu untuk mendengar rintihan hambaNYA itu.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Makna Bacaan Duduk Diantara Dua Sujud
Alhamdulillah, today I learnt something that I should have known many years ago. Tapi nda apa kan, setiap hari belajar something new, and that should be what life is all about. Its a learning journey. So today, I learnt the translation of bacaan duduk antara dua sujud. Check out pic below.
On another note, am trying to make Seafood Tang Hoon Salad (yes, while blogging) for dinner. Just waiting for my beloved to come home from a long tiring day at work. Wish me all the best!!
Maybe I'll update some more later. Bye for now....
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Salmon steak with mashed potatoes, vegetables and mushroom cheese sauce
Attempted making that recipe tonight, and all i can say is its wonderful!! Unfortunately, everyone was so hngry, i forgot to take pictures! Anyway, to those who want to try it out, here's the recipe.
Salmon steak:
Salt and pepper for seasoning
Method: use a skillet to grill your salmon and season it with salt and pepper.
Mashed potatoes:
Margarine or butter
Method: boil you potatoes until its soft. When its soft, peel the skin off, put into a large bowl and start mashing. Add some margarine or butter, milk and some salt.
Choose whatever veggies u like best. For my family its broccoli and carrots. And we prefer to bol it with a dash of salt.
Mushroom cheese sauce:
Butter or margarine
Mushrooms (chopped finely)
1/2 tbsp of flour
1 tsp mascaporne cheese or cream cheese
Grated cheddar cheese
Method: melt butter or margarine in a frying pan, and add flour. Stir. Add milk. Add the chopped mushroom, mascaporne or cream cheese and cheddar. Don't forget to add some salt and pepper. If sauce is too thick, add milk. And voila!
Dinner is served.
Enjoy..... =)
Salmon steak:
Salt and pepper for seasoning
Method: use a skillet to grill your salmon and season it with salt and pepper.
Mashed potatoes:
Margarine or butter
Method: boil you potatoes until its soft. When its soft, peel the skin off, put into a large bowl and start mashing. Add some margarine or butter, milk and some salt.
Choose whatever veggies u like best. For my family its broccoli and carrots. And we prefer to bol it with a dash of salt.
Mushroom cheese sauce:
Butter or margarine
Mushrooms (chopped finely)
1/2 tbsp of flour
1 tsp mascaporne cheese or cream cheese
Grated cheddar cheese
Method: melt butter or margarine in a frying pan, and add flour. Stir. Add milk. Add the chopped mushroom, mascaporne or cream cheese and cheddar. Don't forget to add some salt and pepper. If sauce is too thick, add milk. And voila!
Dinner is served.
Enjoy..... =)
Monday, February 13, 2012
In Brunei Darussalam, 15, 972 cases of diabetes are recorded. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, out of the number, 644 are patients receiving treatment at hospitals, while the remainder are treated by primary healthcare providers throughout the country. The Ministry of Health said these numbers reflects a worrying trend, as diabetes is often related to a high rate of mortality or disability. Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that diabetes is currently the third highest cause of death in the country.
- sumber: http://www.rtbnews.rtb.gov.bn
As stated above, diabetes is something that we should be worried of. Walaupun pihak kerajaan menyediakan pelbagai program dan memberikan banyak bantuan kepada para pesakit, kitani pun buleh membantu kerajaan dalam meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai penyakit ini, dan sekaligus sama-sama membantu mengurangkan tahap diabetes di negara kitani.
Lemme just explain to u makna diabetes. Diabetes, seperti yang tertera di dalam gambar di atas, juga dikenali sebagai diabetes mellitus. Ia merupakan sejenis penyakit di mana badan mengeluarkan terlalu sedikit insulin atau insulin yang dikeluarkan tidak berkesan. Tiga jenis diabetes: Type 1, Type 2 dan Gestational Diabetes.
Diabetes - Type 1
Juga dikenali sebagai juvenile diabetes kerana sering didapati dalam kalangan kanak-kanak atau remaja.
Diabetes - Type 2
Pernah di panggil sebagai "adult onset diabetes" kerana ia sering didapati dalam kalangan orang dewasa. Tetapi, kini, diabetes Type 2 juga didapati dalam kalangan remaja. Jenis ini lebih banyak dari Type 1, dan selalu didapati dalam kalangan mereka yang mempunyai masalah berat badan. Ia berlaku apabila badan tidak dapat menggunakan insulin yang dikeluarkan oleh pankreas, dan lama kelamaan, pankreas mula mengurangkan kadar insulin yang dikeluarkan.
Gestational Diabetes
Jenis ini pula kadang-kadang berlaku dalam kalangan wanita mengandung (dalam trimester ke-2 atau 3). Ia berlaku apabila hormon yang dikeluarkan oleh si ibu menjejaskan pengeluaran insulin. Walaupun hilang selepas bersalin, separuh dari wanita yang mengalami Gestational Diabetes mengalami Diabetes Type 2 kemudian.
Jenis-jenis supplement atau makanan tambahan yang boleh di ambil? (Pastikan anda bincangkan perkara ini bersama doktor anda dahulu)
Terdapat banyak supplement yang boleh anda ambil dalam menangani penyakit ini. Di bawah saya terangkan sedikit daripadanya:
1) Aloe : Aloe, atau Aloe vera, digunakan secara tradisi di negara-negara Arab dalam rawatan bagi diabetes. Menurut kajian, jus aloe vera amat efektif dalam mengurangkan kadar gula dalam darah dan kadar triglyceride bagi pesakit-pesakit Diabetes Type 2.
2) Bilberry : Sebelum adanya insulin bagi rawatan, daun bilberry di gunakan bagi rawatan diabetes. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa bilberry mungkin efektif dalam mengurangkan kadar gula dalam darah. Ia juga boleh mengurangkan komplikasi penyakit ini, secara khasnya retinopathy, satu komplikasi di mana saluran-saluran mata terjejas atau tersumbat, dan kadang-kadang mengakibatkan buta atau masalah saluran darah yang lainnya.
3) CoQ10 : Tubuh kita memerlukan CoQ10 bagi memproses gula dalam darah. Namun, kajian menunjukkan bahawa mereka yang mempunyai diabetes Type 2 mempunyai kadar antioxidant ini yang lebih rendah dari biasa. Kajian awal menunjukkan bahawa CoQ10 boleh membantu meyelia kadar gula dalam badan dan mengurangkan tekanan darah bagi pesakit-pesakit Diabetes Type 2.
4) Fiber : Boleh digunakan mengawal kadar gula dalam darah. Menurut kajian, mereka yang mempunyai penyakit diabetes, yang mengamalkan diet fiber-tinggi mempunyai kadar keseluruhan kolestrol, triglyceride, dan LDL (bad cholestrol) yang rendah dalam darah, dan mempunyai kebolehan yang meningkat dalam menggunakan insulin dengan sepenuhnya.
5) Salmon Omega : Ini boleh membantu mengurangkan sensitiviti insulin dan metabolisma glukos dalam kalangan pesakit diabetes. Kajian lain menunjukkan fatty acids boleh membantu wanita yang mengalami penyakit ini kerana ia mungkin mampu mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung koronari.
6) Vitamin C : Vitamin C membantu pergerakan insulin dalam badan. Selain daripada itu, ia juga penting bagi menyembuhkan luka dan immunity, sesuatu yang amat penting bagi pesakit diabetes, kerana risiko atherosclerosis dan komplikasi lain akibat penyakit ini.
7) Vitamin E : Sejenis antioxidant yang boleh melawan efek radikal bebas, yang didapati dalam kalangan pesakit diabetes. Vitamin ini juga dapat mengurangkan kadar gula dalam darah, kadar kolestrol, dan menghalang komplikasi jangka panjang dari diabetes. Jika diambil bersama-sama Alpha-Liphoic Acid, Vitamin E dapat mencegah komplikasi berkaitan diabetes seperti penyakit jantung, kerosakan saraf, gangguan penglihatan dan penyakit buah pinggang.
NOTA PENTING: Saya bukanlah pakar penyakit ini, tetapi saya menggunakan beberapa website dan buku sebagai rujukan. Sebarang kesilapan harap dimaafkan.
Sumber: Robert A. Schulman, MD, SOLVE IT WITH SUPPLEMENTS: The Best Herbal and Nutritional Supplements to Prevent and Heal More Than 100 Common Health Problems. (diterjemahkan)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
My Intro
Since this is my first post, lemme just start by an introduction. I started this blog because I realized that I have a lot to share with the world. I'm going to write this blog in both Malay and English, I hope you'll like it. =))
I'll post anything from Islam, health, cooking tips, diet tips, recipes, pictures and many more.
Any critics or comments, may it be positive or negative, I will accept it openly.
Anyway, will prepare my first post in a bit. I'm a bit overwhelmed, I'm not sure where to start! Hehe..
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